Reflection on UE 5.2.0

I am currently working on another project using UE 5.1.1 and had a task item to update to 5.2, and I will say that I am a bit disappointed currently with 5.2.0.  I found quite a few editor bugs during the development of the current game.  I noticed many box components ending up at the world origin randomly on some of my actors.  In some cases deleting the actor and recreating in level fixed the issue (which was the case when I took a block mesh BSP brush and converted it to a blueprint actor).  Other times it just happened randomly, and I had to move the box to the correct location in the world.  

Even though the 5.x.0 releases have been more stable than the 4.x .0 ones mostly due to the longer preview/beta period and longer release cycles, when updating existing projects I am still going to wait until the first patch version before using that version for anything other than a quick prototype.

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May 29, 2023

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