1.1.0 Release

This release contains visual enhancements to the shot preview, out of bounds indicator, and golf hole as well as improvements to the AI players and physics.  AI players now have popular 80's baby names :) 

  • Reworked the visuals on the shot preview to show a "grenade throw arc" and circular landing area that matches surface it first hits
  • AI players now have popular 80's baby names instead of the generic "Bot 1", "Bot 2", etc.  These would be names of middle school kids in the mid 90's.
  • Rework school course lighting and fix some lighting issues on all maps
  • Add a target circle for golf hole so that it is easier to see the target area when hitting shots close to the hole
  • Add "Out of Bounds" text to flash with the out of bounds indicator for the bed on hole 3 of the house course
  • Make sure that Linux shell script is executable
  • Fix bug where scoring shot wouldn't count and player would need to rehit inside the hole
  • AI makes finer grained adjustments when obstacles occlude the shot
  • AI will choose less-aligned focus points if the primary focus would result in hitting into a hazard.
  • AI takes into account previous failures when setting up next shot to help avoid the relentless mistake making when obstacles and hazards are in the way
  • Buffed AI by making close and medium shots more accurate on average and reducing probability of really bad shots
  • Changed physics dampening strategy to avoid floaty feel when sliding down walls and lamps.  Linear dampening is not adjusted on collisions and only angular dampening is increased after collisions but now based on ratio of angular to linear velocity to still address the "spinning like a top" bug that can happen.  Overall bounces feel more natural now.
  • Fix bug where the standard "Gamepad Special Right" (Start button) gamepad button wouldn't pause the game and only the "select button" would.  Now both buttons can be used as the "select button" is otherwise unmapped.


PaperGolf-win.zip 406 MB
96 days ago
PaperGolf-mac.zip 280 MB
96 days ago
PaperGolf-linux.zip 271 MB
96 days ago

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