A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Cross between paper football and golf.  Shoot a paper football through real-world environments and try to get it to the hole in the fewest strokes possible.  Be careful where you hit it though as you will need to play it where it lies!

This game is currently in alpha and currently supports both offline play with bots and online multiplayer on a LAN or on the public internet via the Steam SDK (see additional notes below).

This is based on a paper prototype of a game I made as a kid.  I would set up a "golf course" at home using small boxes as the "holes" and attempt to flick the paper football toward the target.  I would set up out of bounds markers and have water hazards set up with Tupperware.

How to Play

The shoot mechanic uses the classic "3 click system" from early golf games.  You press spacebar once to start the meter, a second time to set the power on the up, and a third time targeting the black line between the two white aim bars.  The higher up the power setting the further the paper football will go.  Missing the accuracy mark will cause a wayward shot with a hook or slice and reduce the overall power. 

When you get close to the hole (blue cylinder) you will enter "Close Shot" mode shown above the meter.  Here the overall max power is reduced similar to a putt.

Pre Alpha Version


ShootSpace,  LMBA
Rotate L/RE/Q, Left/Right ArrowLeft Stick
Rotate U/DD/A, Up/Down ArrowLeft Stick
Top/Back spinZ/XRight Stick
Reset ShotRLeft Shoulder
Pause/QuitEscSpecial Left
Change Shot TypeTX
Shot PreviewRMB, /Y
Preview increase powerMW Up, PeriodRight Trigger
Preview decrease powerMW down, CommaLeft Trigger
Activate free lookMMBLeft Stick Button
Free LookMouse, FVGHRight Stick
Reset CameraCRight Shoulder
Look ZoomMouse Wheel, BNLeft/Right Trigger


This game supports networked multiplayer for 2-4 players through either LAN play or against anyone through Steam. Be sure to click "Allow" on the popup to allow accepting network connections if playing online. If playing a LAN game, entering the IP address when joining is optional. It's not recommended to try to join another player with a public IP address as then a firewall exception must be made on the router to allow the connection. Instead, be sure to have your Steam client open and then you are able to host and join a game through Steam without any firewall exceptions.  Note that the game will appear as "Space War" in Steam as we are using the dev steam app id during development.


PaperGolf-win.zip 406 MB
PaperGolf-mac.zip 280 MB
PaperGolf-linux.zip 271 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the download and launch the application in the top level folder.

For the Mac version it is advised to use the Itch player app as the binary is not signed. 

Development log

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