A downloadable game for Windows

Cross between paper football and golf.  Shoot a paper football through real-world environments and try to get it to the hole in the fewest strokes possible.  Be careful where you hit it though as you will need to play it where it lies!

Note this is still a prototype with one playable hole in practice mode that starts with a cinematic flyby and an onscreen tutorial.  Looking to get feedback on the feel of the controls and physics.

This is based on a paper prototype of a game I made as a kid.  I would set up a "golf course" at home using small boxes as the "holes" and attempt to flick the paper football toward the target.  I would set up out of bounds markers and have water hazards set up with tupperware.

How to Play

The shoot mechanic uses the classic "3 click system" from early golf games.  You press spacebar once to start the meter, a second time to set the power on the up, and a third time targeting the black line between the two white aim bars.  The higher up the power setting the further the paper football will go.  Missing the accuracy mark will cause a wayward shot with a hook or slice and reduce the overall power. 

When you get close to the hole (blue cylinder) you will enter "Close Shot" mode shown above the meter.  Here the overall max power is reduced similar to a putt.


Shoot : Spacebar

Aim left:  Q

Aim right: E

Pitch up: A

Pitch down: Z

Move flick location up:  Z

Move flick location down: X

Reset aim: R

Quit Game: Esc

If you shoot too far to the right at the start of the hole, you will get an "out of bounds penalty" which same as golf you get a 1 stroke penalty and need to re-hit.  I am testing this mechanic as "playing it where it lies" is more fun in my opinion but there could be holes in the future where it makes more sense to bound things for additional challenge or to avoid getting too far off course.  An additional option to be able to re-hit a previous shot with a penalty may be a possibility as well.


  • Additional holes
  • Turn-based online and local network multiplayer
  • Water and other hazards
  • Procedural generation of holes and courses
  • Paper football crafting system to enhance power, accuracy, and durability


PaperGolf-0.0.1.zip 359 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the download and launch the application in the top level folder.

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